
By SadlerStar

Snowy Guernsey

No1 son made this dovecote as a school GCSE project when he was 16.
He is now 31 and we haven't quite got around to sticking it on a pole....been busy 8-))
He did a lovely job but we decided while we love wild birds, we didn't really want hundreds of doves fighting over the best bedrooms in the dovecot, with all that entails so, it remains a garden decoration...we like it!
You may also notice the thin covering of white stuff and it is not dust! it is SNOW.
Currently blizarding outside though it is not obvious from this shot.
Guernsey is in a bit of turmoil as usual when we get snow as it is quite rare...some schools open, some shut...the open ones now saying.."please collect your children as we will close in 1/2 hour"!
Oh, and wind is NE gusting force 9 so, at high tide all sorts of stuff is flying over the seafront...not just water but rocks, seaweed...all sorts!
By Wednesday it will have "blown over" and we should have light winds and sun...we hope!
Hope your Monday is going well despite the chaos!
Update as the day progressed CLICK here

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