Happy 6th Birthday, Merry

Merry is enjoying, plain yogurt, for her birthday celebration.  She has food sensitivities, so yogurt is the treat of the day. Her day didn't start out very festive. Unfortunately, she had to see her vet at 8;30 this morning to have some more bloodwork. We're trying to find out why her liver enzymes are much higher than they should be. It was discovered when she went in to have some tooth extractions. It could be the medicine she has been taking for her skin sensitivities, or something more serious. She shows no outward signs of being sick, and has has a normal ultrasound, but something is amiss. Needless to say, we are very worried. I am extremely anxious, but have great faith in her vet. We do have an appointment if needed with an internal medicine specialist at a local veterinary hospital in late June. The wait is long due to Covid as you can imagine. 

She's very happy to be home after the quick appointment and sleeping in the sun. Dr. Johnson will call us tomorrow with the blood work results and we'll try to stay calm, not easy for me at this  point.

For the Record, 
this day came in sunny with rising temps.

All hands happy to be vaccinated. 

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