A confused genius

By Lez11


Last night we went to the stratosphere for something to eat and to go up the tower. The views are amazing at night and we saw someone jump off the tower on the zip wire. My stomach turned just watching him so I don't know how he felt? Ash went on the rides on top of the tower but I didn't have the balls to do that

I also found out that the clocks had to go 1 hr forward last night so I lost another hours sleep.

Ash decided to wear his Holy Ghost t-shirt to go to go to the NASCAR which I told him not to wear. Whilst In the line to catch the coach a woman commented that he will be struck by lightning for wearing that T-shirt until we explained that it is a brand and not blasphemous. There are 4 things that Americans from the south life revolves around:
1) they eat a lot of meat, red meat
2) they drink a lot of beer
3) they are really religious
4) they love NASCAR

At the NASCAR track I got into longest cue ever to get into the neon garage. When we got to the neon garage I took a wrong turn and ended up going through some gates which ended up on the track with all the vip's. I got to see Joey lagarno, Clinton Bowyer (pic) and Geoff Gordon. I also got up close and personal with the cars. We didn't stay there long as we didn't want to get kicked out the stadium before the race started. After ending up in another part of the garages we shouldn't have been we finally ended up in the neon garage and back in the stands before the race started.

Marie osmond sung the national anthem at the start of the race and my mom would have been jealous.

The race was amazing especially as we were on the 5th row. We got deafened, dirty and rubber from the tires kept hitting us. All you could smell was petrol and rubber from the tires. It was an amazing experiance and I loved every second of it and I'm no contemplating going again to a NASCAR race.

The only down side of the day is I have to be at the airport for 4am tomorrow to come home.

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