Decided that the camera is not a threat

I left work early today. The early start doesn't bother me, and I have (surprisingly) adapted to the long commute. But this morning was something different. The rain was very heavy at times, and there seemed many more big trucks on the roadheading north and coming around corners at speed with bright lights and throwing sheets of water into the path of oncoming cars i.e. me. Even driving much more slowly than normal it was a tense 20 minutes until I reached the motorway. 

When I realised that, with my registrar back and doing things on her own, I had finished everything I decided to get back to Snells Beach before the predicted rain and low light (the latter coming by 5:30 pm). Which gave me time for a jog before sunset. 

And it was great to see the Tuturiwhatu running around feeding. There were six or seven. They nest at the north end of Snells Beach and are very occasional visitors to Southend.

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