A Day In The Life

By Irish59


I still can’t believe it • On my way outside to check out the cherry tree for birds this afternoon I was stopped dead in my tracks. That’s right. Dead. I didn’t even make it outside. A bird was eating out of a small saucer that’s elevated about three feet off the ground. This was no ordinary bird. Not in my yard. It was BLUE, and not a bluejay. It was small and ALL blue. I recognized it immediately as an Indigo Bunting, a bird on my “would love to see one day but never will” list! • I was so darned excited that I set my WB on a strange setting by mistake but didn’t realize it until after he left. Because the background had a murky blue-ish tint, I decided to have fun with it to be able to share it • This bird is part of the Northern Cardinal family, is migratory, and arrives typically in May before the female. We will be thrilled if he decides to stay for the summer as there’s plenty of insects and seeds to keep him and his family happy and well fed • Woo-hoo!

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