Dragonfly Labyrinth
I started this labyrinth a month or so ago and took the outline down to Wales and back - but I was waiting for inspiration - and I have to thank blipper ArtistAnnie for that - as soon as I saw her blip of 7th May I knew...
Tomorrow I will start the final week of the 12 week The Artists Way programme. This week, week 11 Julia Cameron talks about the importance of being in the body - she suggests walking as a way of connecting to the world around us - I would add photography to that as a facilitator to really seeing things. She says ‘In a sense, insight follows from sight.We fill the well and later tap it more easily.’
I had a moment of synchronicity today giving me a nudge to post this - 7 years ago I printed some dragonfly wallpaper which we still have in my lounge - so lovely to have ideas about interior decorating come from the orange tip posted yesterday.
For those who are interested I will say something about the symbolism in this picture. Dragonfly symbolism is around developing the ability to adapt and change - as we travel the twists and turns of life - represented here by the labyrinth - towards the source or the inner essence. That journey is held here by the four lotus petals of the the base chakra - and for me represents the importance of remaining embodied, grounded and honouring of Mother Earth.
It’s been raining and dull all day but I can feel the sun has come out as I’ve been writing this. Thanks to everyone visiting my journal - it is very much appreciated
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