
By cowgirl


Myfanwy blew another gasket earlier this week! I though about putting her on HRT but turns out she needed her engine head skimmed ...

I happened to mention it to mum who said she thought the place Sav had taken it to was a chap she used to work for in the office. She was right! Small world.

Despite the weather ( intermittent rain showers of varying degrees ) Sav decided today was the day he was going to get a months worth of swearing over and done with ... or rather I should say put Myfanwy back together. Twice. He left a part out the first time. A part that required everything to be undone and taken out again. As I said, much swearing ...

I just had to sit in her to engage or disengage the handbrake and eventually to start her up to make sure everything was back in the right place.

All seems good now, so fingers crossed our gasket blowing days are behind us ... at least for Myfanwy. Couldn’t vouch for the humans though!

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