
By Spartacus

10 more miles to go now

C'mon feet don't fail me now.
I got 10 more miles to go,
For those of you with a keen eye you will notice that there is no picture of the 10 mile,, mile post.

I couldn't locate it

As was the case with 93 1/2 post
Which I am not sure was ever posted.
Mile post 2 would have been located in Braunston Tunnel as I think 16 should be located in Blisworth tunnel.
Now alll the following are like the 10 mile, mile post. I couldn't could find them either.
19,, 21, 29, 30, 31, 32 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54 56 61 I am sure I should have that one as it is almost outside the Crystal Palace pub in Berkhamsted 64 is also missing presumed stolen as I remember seeing before I became a mile post addict. St the time of going of going post (no pun intended) the next missing one is the 80 mile mile post making the longest run of consecutive mile posts. That I came across. And then there only two more missing . 82 and 83 but if I am being pernickety 93 1/3 which I think should be there on the basis that they have seen fit to put the 4 1/4 mile, mile post where Leicester Arm of the Grand Union begins or ends depending on your viewpoint.

Anyway the search will not stop. I am going to look for the missing ones or maybe contact the Canals and Rivers Trust if they know they are officially missing or I just couldn't find them.

Anorak now off

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