I created this back in 2010 after a Photoshop crash course with Jorgiesmum during a Blighty bounce. A Dutch friend was creating abstract Sudoku montages which I thought were very effective, he explained how he created them with Photoshop. The explanation went right over my head... I'm just not techie minded so on a visit back home I asked Jorgiesmum to show me. This was my eventual result. Created with macro shots of what I thought was a dried cassia pod I collected while travelling in Australia. It's just come up in my Facebook memories and as I have'nt taken any photos today due to inclement weather conditions I thought I could sneak this one in. I still like the concept but don't have the time, patience, or Photoshop come to that, to have another go.
I walked up to the allotment early when it was just a light mizzle just to check on my avian defences. Perfect! Turnip seedlings however having taking a bashing .. not sure if its slug/snails/pheasant/pigeon culprits so I've sprinkled the last of my slug pellets. They were only thinning's but would have made nice veggies for someone. Fed the robin fledgling, not long after the rats arrived. Can't be helped, we live in the countryside backing onto farm land, at least they're not at the house. Only cheeky mice back here. Pulled some rhubarb then walked up to town to fetch the paper & few bits of shopping for Mum. Came out of the shop, and down it came .. The rain running off my jacket down my jeans .. YUK! A quick change at home then down to walk Indie. Full waterproofs, wellies, & hat (not waterproof). Strangely enough I did'nt meet a soul ..... perfect! I love having the heath land to myself, how selfish. I don't care. The birds sounded happy enough.
Back at Mum's completely dripping!!
This afternoon ... ironing :-( then a bit of needlework, taking up hems on jeans. I have'nt finished yet.
Now I smell dinner, it needs my attention .. Roast duck tonight.
Ciao 4 now Blippers!
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