Trespassing Troublemakers

It has been raining for the last 24 hours. An indoor blip seemed to be the best choice, until my sweet husband offered to hold an umbrella over me so I could get a decent blip! :) He didn't know what he was in for...

The rain, warmer temps and snow on the ground made for a foggy eerie day. We set off on a drive in the neighborhood. He stopped the car so I could get shots of fog in the woods. We then drove around both of the lakes. As we made our way along Lake Ann, we spotted this dock on a lot that doesn't have a house. Actually, no houses on the lake side of the road for quite a ways. And the homes, straight across the road from the empty lake lots, are summer cottages - no winter residents.

We parked and slipped on the snow shoes and walked the 100 yards or so to the water. I was happily clicking away, my husband was scouting out shots (he composed this one:) when we realized that we were being watched. A man stood at the road, hands on hips. We waved HI and shouted, "just taking some pictures... is that okay?" He only replied, "I figured as much." Clearly this was his property and he didn't want us there. So we hiked back. He then took pictures of us... not sure what the reasoning was in that... When we finally reached him, he wanted to know where we lived (I gave a vague area). We told him that we didn't realize that this area went with the house across the road (and over 2 houses). He didn't say much more. Which was fine with me. I've seen him around. And how should I say it... he has always given me the creeps. Just a feeling, no real basis (unless you count today). I was glad my husband was with me and this guy was wielding a camera and not a shotgun. You'd think we were teenagers armed with spray paint...

Click HERE for BIG trouble!

Funny, I often miss a shot because I'm a wimp and afraid I'll get yelled at... Main reason I leave humans out of my shots...

We laughed about it and drove off to find more to shoot. I suppose we shouldn't have gone out there in the first place. It seemed innocent enough, but maybe he's hiding something out there... ;)

Next stop a PUBLIC park. We had a great time hiking around in the snow until I decided that my equipment was getting too wet. Somehow, even under an umbrella and in a plastic sleeve, my camera still got wet. Oh well, we all dried off once we got home.

Of all my Blip adventures, this one was my favorite so far! It was fun to scout around together. :)

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