Mail Order Tulip

Back in early April, my daughter-in-law told me about a Tulip Farm in New Jersey, where you could go and pick your own tulips and that they sent them all over the country as well. 

I immediately ordered the "Surprise Bouquet" for $20 and within a few days I received a delivery of 20 exquisite tulips, 10 each in a different color (picked by them, I assume based on their availability.). They were so fresh they lasted almost two weeks and I have subsequently several more times.  They were available through Mother's day and now the season has finally passed.  

This is one that was delivered almost two weeks ago and it is just starting to dwindle a bit, but I don't mind because the petal textures become more pronounced.  This was taken in front of my kitchen window, unfortunately with the wrong lens, but I still liked it and thought it would be suitable for Flower Friday.  

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