Light of my life

The reason why I received a lovely card this morning.

I know he knows how much I adore him.

Corin also contributed by bringing me a bunch of red roses this morning. "What are they for?" I asked. "It's Mother's Day and you are a mum, so you get roses". Sweet :-)

Corin has just been amazing this weekend. He has essentially stripped James' room of furniture, built a new wardrobe, modified James' cabin bed so that it is now a normal bed, with just the right amount of height for his guitar and bass amp to sit snugly underneath, built new shelves and a desk. James' room now looks so much bigger and we have transitioned into teenage boy room with the removal of all but a handful of soft toys and the addition of a large amount of posters from Kerrang and suchlike...two thirds of his wall space is already covered in posters, with more to come. I guess the re-styling of his personal space is a little rite of passage in some respects.

To me, he is still my little boy, but at the same time, I am experiencing different things with him as his personality is developing. His sense of humour is wicked, his taste in music so very similar to mine, he is kind, generous, intelligent and loving. What he lacks at times in terms of common sense or a sense of urgency, I know I ultimately forgive, because above all else he still puts his family first and shows us unconditional love and respect.

So, because of the room rearrangement, he has spent a large amount of time with me, sat on the sofa, watching random youtube videos, chatting about all sorts of things and listening to music - today was Nevermind by Nirvana...loud.

So, on Mother's Day I say to my boy - thank you, just for being you and for allowing me to be your Mum. It is a priviledge and not something that I take for granted.

Love you, boy wonder :-)

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