Happy Mother's Day

Poor Lottie has been really under the weather today - she woke early and was eager to bring me in her secret presents. She has done really well to actually keep them secret this year! Hubby was working so I dozed a bit more while CBeebies kept her company.

In spite of her cold she still wanted to bring me breakfast in bed - somehow she managed to get the tray with two bowls of cereal up the stairs without spilling, bless her!

We had a quiet day watching tv, doing a jigsaw and reading - Calpol helped briefly so we nipped out for supplies then she crashed out on the settee for a couple of hours. I did manage to watch Liverpool have a good win, but was obviously distracted because I put tea in the oven and it was only when I went to put some veg on that I realised I had turned the wrong oven on!

Have managed a bit of me time tonight in the bath, madam has just gone to bed wide awake because she has had a sleep this afternoon, and a lot cooler than she has been. Will have to see what tomorrow brings.

This is the card she made at Rainbows!

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