Spoiled for choice

A busy day starting with a trip to Lincoln for an appointment at M&S in the lingerie department, to deliver some documents to the solicitor, purchase foil and cling film and stock up on chocolate for presents. By the time we got home I was completely washed out.

I needed a rest before the evening’s main event. R & S arrived at the last minute bearing goodies for the online sherry and tapas tasting organised by the Worshipful Company of Educators. It was fascinating, as sherry is not a normal tipple of mine, reminds me of elderly  aunts of half a century ago (now that really sounds old).

We had two sets of 6 bottles. R & S shared one set, and I had my allowance and saved the remainder for B who was out coaching. We all agreed that bottle 6 was the best, the most mature one, Lustau, East India Solera. The fig and almond slice was delicious with it.

R & S cooked dinner for us when B got home, before R went through his tasting session. They stayed over, the first time for a long time.

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