Put it in your heart where tomorrow shines

I worked really hard today. 

I work really hard most days but today was number crunching and deadlines. 

I worked in the office too - i was using our old system for historic data.  That was a bit weird.  Apparently shutting your door doesn't stop people from opening it and saying "you're in the office then?"

Then I came home and worked some more on some other urgent stuff.  While I did that Si chopped three trees down in the garden.  What a nightmare.   He was exhausted.  My head was buzzing. 

Sea time it was. 

And what a perfect sea time it turned out to be. 

The water was flat calm.  There were seals.  There were cormorants.   There were speed boats.  There was a paddle boarder.  There was a beautiful sky. 

And then we came home. 

Both restored. 

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