Marsh marigold

Today we looked after the lovely Sheltie, Lucy, much to the disgust of the three Black Beauties. (Mackie is off on a jolly and Grey boy is still out on his adventure). The three B.B. are now in now and have eaten, hopefully forgiving us for the intrusion. Lucy is a dream to look after except when she sees a cat although suspect she would come off worse if they met.

Lucy’s mum and dad along with Boomerang and N had a jolly of their own today, a sea trip that J and I didn’t fancy. I am looking forward to Boomerangs bf. John accompanied me on the afternoon walk with Lucy, , she runs along with that beautiful coat flowing in the breeze, and luckily he had his phone.

When preparing a bag for Lucy, treats and poobags, I forgot the camera, phone (for counting steps) and a walking stick, annoying. Along the track we came across lots of marsh marigold plants in the water running beside the track and few others unknown to us, it would be good if C and I can go back to check them out,

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