
By Dizzy2302


No amazing landscape, exquisite building or furry friend today just a memory....I saw a host of primroses today in neat little clumps surrounded by lush green grass and mounds of protective moss but this little one caught my eye. No grass or moss to protect it just covered with brambles and surrounded by litter but still, against all odds, she shines. Many moons ago when I was tiny every Spring my nan would take me and my two sisters into the woods to pick these dainty little flowers. Nan's sister in law lived in Ealing, West London and we would make them into tiny bunches tied with pretty spotted ribbons, wrap the stems with cotton wool soaked in water and pack them, with love, into a shoe box and post them off to Ealing....a little bit of the country to the city. I can't remember how many years we did this but I know it was many. I wonder when TG is 54 will he recall special memories of his childhood....I hope so!

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