Dodging the rain ...
It was difficult to get out with little Po and the dogs for our daily walk . We are still doing the monthly challenges .. but we went out at 1.30 and got back to hers at 3pm .. at 3.15 the sky absolutely opened up and it belted down ! We did well to stay dry .
News of the day : the annual Kent trip is booked so Tits McGee and I along with my grandson can go annoy Keith and Eileen .. those are the people responsible for producing the little weirdo Po.
Po goes to stay with her parents and we always rent a place for a few nights nearby , we’ve been up to this little ritual for 10 years now . Luckily we did manage our trip last year which was lovely as we get treated like extra children by K & E ( despite me being 52 years old ;-)) .. )
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