A walk with Bertie the Beardie

This morning I met my mate 'Bertie the Beardie' and we went on a six and a half mile walk. Yay! To be honest I don't really think Bertie is that interested in me, even though, as far as I am concerned, he is my bestest friend in the whole wide world. He doesn't really want to play very much whereas I want to play all the time.

We had the most fabulous walk and on the way home through 'Braidburn Valley Park' we both had to go into the burn to get clean. Because there has been so much rain recently, our walk was ridiculously muddy. Ann only had trainers on so by the end of our walk her trainers & socks were absolutely soaked and she had 'trench foot'. OK maybe that's a slight exageration.

Oh and when we got to the park, Bertie's owner produced a ball for us to play with. Obviously as I'm super speedy I got the ball before Bertie. And then I refused to give it back. Mmmmm.............. Ann was mortified. Apparently stealing another dogs ball is theft. But I didn't care. Bertie's owner tried to prise it out of my jaws. #nochance  When I have something in my mouth there's no way I will give it up for anyone!!!

I carried the ball all the way home and put it into my toy basket. Yay!

I've got more than 20 manky old tennis balls in my toy basket now, but apparently the next time I go for a walk with Bertie, I'm going to have to give him at least 6 of them???? Boooohoooo. That doesn't sound very fair.

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