Good Craic

My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

Obviously i was not looking forward to today. Even if things were resolved they would still be awkward, right? I slept badly and could feel my body tingling with stress.

And the day certainly started out awkward.

I got emails from Gromit, June the BA manager and Other Project Manager expressing dismay and apologizing for the stress i had been put through.

The first two were genuine. That last one kind of blamed me for not bringing it up sooner. But seriously, eff him.

But THEN I got a phone call groveling apology from Yesterday's Moany Woman. Which I accepted with magnanimity. I mean. No need to force the issue. Bygones and all that.

So the day turned around. I had nice chats with Ellie and Gromit. Plans for the handover of my shitty work were made and I went for drinks with June.

June and Gromit have clashed before. And this is a shame because I like them both. I really enjoyed drinks with June tonight. She is good craic. We decided to institute craic nights as a regular thing.

Even though the Kiwis give you side-eye when you mention it. "Good WHAT?" they say.

(I'd actually planned tonight before all the drama just to thank June for her previous support. So tonight was not just a mercenary thing but yes that as well.)

It is good to have her onside. And I added some pro-Gromit propaganda to the chat. Maybe it will help.

So I'm feeling much better after the drama of yesterday. Good craic will do that to you


P.s. Dave likes to sleep on the sideboard.  We don't know why.

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