More horses!

I headed for Sandwick this morning to do a job I expected would be a pain and would take most of the day. As it turned out it was really straightforward and I was finished by lunchtime.
Back at home, and finding myself at a bit of a loose end, I cleared a pathway to the back of the garage and managed to get my motorbike out. I gave it a quick wash, and a check over, and booked it in for an MOT. It passed without any problem and I headed back home. Sadly I got lost on the way and found myself in Birsay, then Sandwick and stopping off at Mum and Dad's to say hello.
I have missed my big green grin machine.
The other unexpected event of today is that my beautiful wife isn't on the 24 hour shift she thought she was doing, so we have the evening at home together.
Today has been a good day.

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