Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

In Memoriam

Saw an article about this installation yesterday on the local magazine programme.  It was a great start to the day and having woke reasonably early I drove in to Aston Park, Birmingham to see what was going on.  I'm ashamed to say that In the seven years I went to school right next to the park, I never visited Aston Hall, a very impressive Jacobean House in the park.  Maybe in those deep, distant days of the 1970s it wasn't open to visit, but I will certainly come back with L to visit in the future.

The installation is a tribute to NHS and health care workers who have been risking their lives during the crisis.  Further information is available here.

After the visit it was across town to pick up some clabs for a small garden project, then home.  While it wasn't supposed to be a working day I dropped in on the team meeting and ended up attending two more meetings during the day.  We are getting ready for Step 3 of the road map and there is a lot of information being provided to local authorities coming through.

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