FIGGY's Sporadic Blips

By Figgy

Gold or silver?

I do have a jewellery box but I'm too lazy to put my jewellery away each night and prefer to toss it aside on top of the bookcase for me to make the choice in the morning.

I am under a misapprehension that this saves me time as I dash out to work each morning. If I took time to put it away each night I wouldn't have to take time untangling it all once the decision, gold or silver, is made.

The two pebbles just out of shot on the left were our place names at #2 son and daughter-in-law's wedding in 2011. Pebbles from the beach in DIL's home town were used and she wrote all the guests names onto them, pale grey ones for the ladies and dark grey for the gents - a lovely touch I thought.

Miserable day today so this is a bit of an emergency blip.

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