Mouse interest!

As usual, Ralph muscles in on my photo. He wasn't happy that the space right next to me on the sofa was taken up by my box of fimo - so I moved it (I'm a pushover) and he snuggled up. That's after he had inspected my latest mice! One finished and one in bits. Two purple bed mice in acorns tonight.

Work was busy. You know that, but someone up there was looking down on me, and turned off my Internet connection at 4.20. I couldn't be bothered to try and fix it, so took it as a sign to log off!!

It meant I could spend a happy couple of hours in the shed tidying (sort of - my tidying isn't the same as other people's!) I planted some courgette seeds, and beans. I had planted some earlier, but they've failed. Either due to the cold, or mice dug them up and ate them. Then I weeded a bit of the garden that was full of ground elder, and planted a few more radish and lettuce seeds. My earlier sowings had germinated, but mostly then eaten or pulled out by pesky pigeons.

Jon cooked dinner, and then I had a brief chat to mum on facetime. Now tv and micemaking before bed.

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