Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze


I wonder who Celona is?

Took part in an online discussion this morning for trainers to discuss 'Do we encourage creativity on the courses we deliver or do we promote standardisation of approaches?'

Nice catch up with Undercovercairo in the evening. About to have baked salmon and roast tomatoes and asparagus for dinner, but a walk first! 

I did do things in-between my discussion and catch up. I'm trying to streamline my online organisation somehow...not finding it easy. I bookmark sites and organise them  in files, save articles to the Pocket app, but then save things in Linked In, bookmark in Twitter and save on Facebook. And then there's all the blogs I follow, mainly on WordPress.  It's no wonder I can't find things easily. When did organising your online stuff become so time consuming?? Any tips? 

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