See it, Snap it, Share it

By pplnani

I’m Very Pleased To See This

........ my lovely friend has struggled for food this week....... we’ve been out several times to dig over a small patch of earth so that he could hopefully find something, so I was thrilled to see that he was able to cling on and get a bit of something to eat. I know it’s not the same as being able to help yourself more easily from the bird table but it will have to do for now ;-))

I walked down to the bottle bank and was just leaving when I ran into a photographic friend from the village. We chatted for a while and I became aware of a huge dark cloud approaching, I tried to break off the conversation but this chap could talk for England. Then it started to rain and I was able to make my excuses, just as I was walking away he said “ that’s a really dramatic cloud “, I replied “ that needs photographing over a field” ........... “ a field of oilseed rape “ he replied ............ “ off you go then!” I said laughing ( in the now heavy rain ).
Two hours later I was looking on the village Facebook page and saw the extra I’ve put on ( not my photo obviously) .......... he had gone straight out and taken it .......... I guess that’s why he wins all the village photo competitions ........ I just don’t have the dedication ( he told me that last night he was out at 3am photographing the Milky Way!!! ;-))

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