Gitama's World

By Gitama

10 Today

Today was the boys Birthday...a big deal in our household...almost as big as Christmas. I tried not to spoil him to much this year but his mum made up for it and did an over the top job at completely doing the opposite and spoiling him rotten.

He asked for a lemon cheesecake for his birthday cake and his mum whipped up a beauty....which I must say I partook of and relished and savoured every sugary (only 1/3 of amount of sugar in recipe was put into it it)  bite even though I'm paying for it now...even so it was worth it.

Anyhoo he had a fabulous day and he reckoned it was his best birthday he is a tired little guy now though as he was up at 4am coding a robot he had made the night before (he is so clever at that stuff)...and he just finished a $70 lego sculpture which only took him about 90 much for keeping him quiet for hours.

Nanny and Mummy are also a bit pooped now...its a big job organizing everything for a 10th Birthday and its not even his party yet..that is going to be on the weekend with his mates....oh yeah thats right I need to go to the dentist for a root canal that day ;-))))))

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