
By Akasha

dedication to sport.

These guys had pitched their little pop us fishing tents here this morning along with all their rods, reels and bait. It was freezing cold! They were dressed for the Arctic. The sea was rough so god knows what they managed to catch. The beach is a mess with all the rough sea's, its chucked all kinds of rubbish on the beach, fishing mesh, bits of net, fishing crates along with mounds of sea weed. It has had a go at snowing here this afternoon but its not managed to settle.
Had a lovely day today, son Danny bought me a lovely flower basket and daughter Leanne got me a lovely picture frame and took me out for dinner. Back home now with log burning stove in all toastie. Had to have football on as husband had this pathetic look on his face when I went to change channel its Liverpool v Totenham Hotspur he seems rather pleased as Liverpool is winning, he is a sad little man!!!!!!

Hope you have all had a lovely Mothering Sunday.

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