Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Starts with T

Since I spent two hours at the dentist's office this afternoon, my teeth seemed to be the obvious choice for today's 'T' theme.  There was a short break in the action during my crown prep, so I grabbed my phone and took a selfie.  I couldn't say I was going to do it because of the block holding my mouth open.  The dentist and assistant laughed.  Many thanks to Laurie54 for hosting MonoMondays in May!

I hadn't planned on going to the dentist today.  When I saw him a few weeks ago, we made a treatment plan including the crown and a few fillings.  I made the first available appointment which was mid June and I was added to the cancellation list.  This morning at 8:30 I got a call from the office asking if I wanted to come in at 2 pm.  I was happy to get it over with. 

Before my appointment, I went to the pool to swim laps for the first time ever.  I was telling a friend that I really wanted to try it but I'm not a good swimmer.  She suggested using a snorkel and it made all the difference.  I swam 30 laps in my allotted hour.  I am grateful to have a new activity that will help with my fitness and maybe help me lose a few pounds!

Thank you to everyone who has visited my journal and for all the stars and hearts.  I really appreciate all of them!

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