Roly's Life

By Roly


I did a bit of work this morning - and realised that I use my dual screens for even the simplest things. So after 2ish hours of scattering receipts around Mum’s kitchen table I stopped again.

We had our dinner sat in the back garden and Irene next door came to chat for a bit until the big black cloud start dripping on us so we retreated back to our separate houses!

Then the fun really began. I think I mentioned Mum is clearing out. The garage was rammed with stuff that had been sorted from the loft, all waiting to go somewhere. This included a ‘portable’ oxygen tank, 3/4 full that has been in Mum’s loft since my Grandma died 20 years ago. The real mystery is that neither of my grandparents were on oxygen.

Anyway. It is surprisingly difficult to dispose of a 3/4 full potable oxygen tank. The town council medical waste disposal is for sharps, but the lady who answered the phone was greatly amused and helpfully advised me to ring the county council. They were equally amused and took my number to try and find an answer. Not long after they rang back to say they couldn’t help but try the hospital. Unsurprisingly, the hospital receptionist was also very amused and thankfully grabbed a passing Porter who suggested we take it in and they’d put it with the rest. So we did.

The garage contents were loaded into the Venga Bus along with a load of stuff from upstairs. It is full and MrRoly is not going to like what I’ll be filling his garage with tomorrow.

The only downer is that since I took this, Mum has plonked a large box of pans that won’t work with her new hob in the space I’ve just cleared!!

A gentle evening this evening, not that we commemorate or mark it as a special day, but you don’t forget, even 9 years down the line. Miss you Dad and love you Mum xxx

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