Cute Boy!

Last night I had a stomach ache and did not feel brilliant. This morning the same - so much so that I didn't even drink my morning coffee! It eventually wore off enough for me to get on with dusting, polishing etc. the two living rooms. It was a long and boring job!

After that, another unpleasant chore! I forgot to mention that at the weekend I received a second copy of the letter from Serco requesting the information I had posted to them Tuesday, claiming that they had not yet heard from us. I had posted off the info they asked for last Tuesday. 

In 30 or so years of having a hobby involving regular use of the postal service I have had two pieces of mail go astray - one to me, one from me.  Isn't it sods law that something sent to an address within the city in a 1st class business envelope should go astray? That, or they just think we need a bit more pressure and another hoop to jump through! 

I called them to see if it had since arrived, thinking the two letters may have somehow crossed in the post but they still don't have it! I will get everything copied and ready to go again, call them Wednesday, and if it still hasn't turned up by then I will deliver it in person to their offices! (Though that probably won't be permitted...)

Once I'd made lunch, washed up and rescued some washing from getting drenched  outside and put it to dry inside, I had time for a quick coffee before whisking up to Tesco for the weekly shop!

I still had not got a Blip, so once home I put our tea to cook in the oven and went for a quick walk in the arbo with Bri! My Blip was taken on the walk home though. This sweet cat is now quite well known locally and I have Blipped him a couple of times before. He likes to wander, and has been taken to cat rescue places a few times as people think he's a stray! He's actually on his own street for a change in this shot though.

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