Morning ride

I woke up at stupid o'clock this morning. Talisker has been milking the sympathy vote lately and, like most mornings now, had taken up residence on the bed. Being a fairly large dog, he takes up a fair bit of room. At 630, and with Talisker trying his best to shove me out of bed, I got up and persuaded both dogs to come out for their morning wander. They returned to bed later while I had breakfast.
The early start meant I was along to Tesco to do the weekly shop just after the shop opened. It is definitely the best time of day to do the shopping.
After a stop at home, my beautiful wife and I made our way to Stromness and did some of the chores in the field before getting out a ride on George and Red. George was a bit less flighty today, but he was still on good form and we had a fun ride.
Home for lunch, then a wander at Lyde with the woofers. Later, as HV headed to work, I trundled along the road to deal with a minor leak and a blocked loo.

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