New Babies!

Having seen "our" coots at Killingworth Lake last Sunday we walked there again today to see if the chicks had hatched yet. In spite of what you see in this photo, they hadn't: Mum was still sitting on the nest. However we then found another family which was clearly a week or two ahead of "ours" - they were hiding in the reeds somewhat but I managed to capture this sequence of one of the chicks being fed.

(It's worth looking large.)

We also came across some gorgeous little ducklings snuggled together so I just had to post them in the extra.

We're still hoping to see some Crested Grebe chicks following the courtship we saw back in Feburary: we did see one adult going in and out of the reeds so we're hoping maybe there are some chicks hiding there. We're also hoping to see some new cygnets soon following the swan courtship in March - but there are none to be seen as yet.

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