Mo..ments In Time

By MauriceB

Mothers Day

Its mothers day today in the UK. I lost my mum in 1993 making this the 20th anniversary of her passing. In our church several years ago I was asked along with a few others to speak about our mums. I wrote and read out the following poem which I am going to share on this special occasion. Its called names.

Right from the beginning there is only one word
Yes your right its mummy, that's all that can be heard
But later its shortened to mum because it isn`t cool
To say a name that other kids would laugh at you in school
But then its mother she is called when you get that little older
Or maybe theres some other word, I`d say if I were bolder!
The teenage years they come and go the names they get more terse
Go clean your room (she then "the nag") or maybe something worse
When with your mates or on the town the name "old girl " is used
Everyone knows who you mean, they wouldn`t get confused
When you get wed .... theres double trouble, and that, we know for sure
What do you find to call the one know ... "Mother in law"
The next stage on the road of life is when children come along
For mum is no longer said, its granny that's on your tongue
The children call her nanny, gran or something twee
My new name for my mother "the old... biddy"
Now I dare not call her that to her face, that really would be wrong
But I`ll tell you a true story, it wont take very long
She found out that name through ways and means,
And I won`t lengthen this story
Was she angry...... not at all......phew ........ I didn't have to worry
But when my dad tried to call her "that name"... he got in such a wrench
Because he called her "Bideaux " now that is Guernsey French
Mum didn't know much patios, but some words came to mind
She knew that Bideaux means a witch, and father... he did find
The wrath of Ma was spent on him in quite her angry ways
In fact she was so annoyed, she didn't speak to him for days

Well that's my little story
And with just a few of the names I`d found
Maybe I`d have thought of more if she was still around

So whether its Mummy or Biddy she is still the only one
That very special person
Im so proud to call.........MY.. MUM

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