Big Hill

By bighill

Sketching on Affinity!

It's been a great day.....tiring and a bit mind boggling, but pretty wonderful.

First of all, Patrizia came over to lend me a hand to do the usual spring clean up - my studio gets so messy and sort of out of control over the this time of year i always have Richard to help me get rid of the piles of trimmings, old clay, garbage etc., that accumulates over the course of a busy year.   But Richard is no longer staying with Patrizia offered to help.   We got so much done in the mudroom.

But the really exciting part was the help she gave me with my new photo processing app, Affinity!   I've had it for over a month and have been totally confused and frustrated.   Patrizia is a graphic designer and using Photoshop etc., is second nature to her now.   So she soon discovered that Affinity is very much like Photoshop and she was able to teach me so much.   i'm trying to do some practising so i don't forget.   One of the things i was hoping to be able to do was draw and paint on the computer...and woo hoo, she got me sorted on how to do that.   this is a very silly image, just me trying out a few brushes etc., on this app.   I'm just thrilled that i now know sort of how to find my around this app.   Saved me hours of pouring over a book!

Then Linus (her husband) joined us for pizza, apple pie and ice cream!  We sat around the table for a long time, chatting and remembering their first time here as wwoofers, 6 years ago!   They are both such a delight and we love them dearly!

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