Heavenly Roots

I had forgotten a couple of things when we went shopping yesterday - and they were on my list! A quick trip to town. In pre-Covid days, I'd avoid going to town on a Saturday unless we had visitors who wanted to have a look around. The market is a huge tourist attraction, usually swarming with far too many people for my liking, and it's really difficult to find a parking space. Plenty of parking available today. I was quite sad to see the reduced number of booths and hardly any people. Many of the vendors rely on market sales and it's been tough for them. I hesitated to walk through the market, but since there were so few people and masks were mandatory, I had a quick trip to check it out. I loved the Heavenly Roots booth, such a choice of fresh produce on display. I asked the two guys if they minded if I took a photo. The guy on the left asked if I wanted them in it or not, and I said it would be great to have them in it if they were okay with it. They were.
After lunch, I went for a walk down Xwaaxqwum. I didn't take my camera because I'd already taken a few photos in town, and it felt very weird not having it. On the positive side, I could focus on getting my heart rate up and had a great fitness walk, not looking for possible photos and stopping to take them. The wind is still so cold, not feeling much like spring yet. 
Signs of the times at the entrance to the market
Two different vendors 

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