
is an understatement.

Noone had told her I was coming. I went to school at pick up time and a lovely teacher (who introduced herself as Katies PE teacher "shes wonderful, I love her!") went to find her. Katie flew across the playground.. "MAMA!!“ beaming. Buried herself in me, grinning and crying all at once. The best hug I've ever had.

It was gorgeous seeing the place alive. The junior school felt warm, joyful and familiar. She was clearly settled from the number of people speaking to her, both students and staff. The head of juniors came and spoke to us and I got the meet the school therapy dog (who Katie sometimes reads to!). The head's told me how Katie brightens her day and its like she's always been there.

Before i picked her up, I had wandered round Wells a little. Music burst from every building. The place was buzzing in a calm, happy way. It reminded me of the magic in the place that had convinced us to send her.

Anyway. The gorgeous girl of mine didn't want to do anything other than pick some tea and go to our hotel. Pyjamas. Hotel picnic (see extra) and a movie in bed. With a limit girl who wasn't letting me anywhere away from her. And was chattering at a million miles an hour. 

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