A cheery lunch today...

...and the shadow of a smile to cheer us up in the awful weather and the aftermath of the various elections...
It may be a little lopsided - but I was sure a smiley face was looking up at me from my cheese and mushroom ;)
I am now fully Astra-Zenecad after a trip to Honley this aft - and a takeaway coffee from the farm to celebrate on our return. 
In extras - a newly made mask arrived in the post this morning from Tynemouth Sue. It is designed for glasses wearers - a main oblong strip with elastics, but then a flap top and bottom to go up under glasses and down over your chin. I'll be giving feedback anon ;) 
This is the easy tutorial Sue used...

CORONA CLASSICSJan Vaclav Stamic - Sinfonia Pastorale in D is Dolly’s choice today, and mine is another  Aaron Copland - Letter from Home

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