
OK so this is not a very good shot. I took a few but they move so fast most were of the place it had just left. Those that did have him in shot were blurry, like this one.
Anyway this is the first time I have seen one of these so it needs to be blipped. We went off round the Farmer's Market and bought some barley bread for Jane and apple juice for Adam. It must be spring as there are now stalls with plants returning to the market. We then walked round Winnall Moor. I spotted one goldcrest and point it out to Jane just as it flew away; as we looked for it we realised there were two going in and out and up and down the two trees right in front of us. At times they were less than 2 meters away. Fascinating to watch, infuriating to try and take a photo.
We then went to the dump to dispose of yesterday's gatherings form the garden (we live such an exciting life) and on to buy some plants to freshen up the hanging baskets. I suppose I had better brave the cold and go and help plant them up.
Many thanks for all the views and comments for yesterday. Red made the spotlight, have a good Sunday.

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