Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Baby pigeon

I spotted some baby pigeons on our way to school.

I am now shattered as I did both drop off and pick up along with working.

Mr Mouse woke up this morning and the first thing I noticed was the lump on the side of his neck.

I made him phone the doctor. Lymph node inflammed, they think maybe his throat lump has become infected. He has some antibiotics, pain meds and a number to call on Monday to book an ultrasound.

He was meant to be picking little mouse up as I was on the pm rota for queries (means I am not meant to have a break) but I suddenly realised it was time to leave and he was still soundo. So I rushed an email to say emergency save questions for when I got back and rushed out. I don't think I have ever walked to school so fast, I actually ended up getting there slightly early still.

I am still sufferering with sinusitis so that along with my M.E it's really wiped me out.

I thought I spotted a snowy owl in the garden earlier. It was a an empty dog food bag I have been using for poo bags.

Yeah I think I need sleep.

I think the iPad parent might be putting little mouse to bed tonight.

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