Alum Pot

A lovely catchup with friend of 3 decades Dave.
Our escapades take many forms, but Dave's passion is caving. As we've mellowed with impending old age his attempts to kill me underground have lessened and caving has even started to appeal.

Meeting up in the Dales this evening it was intermittently snowing and, well, freezing.... But underground the temperature is usually ambiently pleasant, especially when waters are low.

We walked uphill a fair ways, and then walked into a small hole, then crawled, then squirmed (extra). Dave pointed out fossilised oyster shells, stalactites and stalagmites were everywhere. Eventually we came to a hole, set up an abseil and dropped into the dark (main). We landed on a ledge and wandered a short way into daylight...a ledge half way down a huge hole in the ground with water pouring in from several places. It was truly spectacular (extra) but very hard to capture. We did some heroic poses and then had the joy of ascending back up the rope six inches at a time.

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