Election Day

Woke up this morning to see the Braid Hills covered in snow. Seriously! Snow in May?  What is the world coming too?!

Had to incorporate my human voting into the morning walk. I got tied up outside the polling station and had to wait while Ann was made to feel like a naughty little school girl.

She tried to hand over her voting card because it said on the card that taking it along would make the process quicker. The 'bossy ladies' didn't even want to look at it. They just said, 'Take that away with you.' Then they asked if she had her own pencil. Errrrr............... No................. Why would Ann carry a pencil on the dog walk? The 'bossy ladies' said that she should have brought her own pencil to minimise the risk of transmitting COVID. They gave her a pencil and said, 'Take that away with you as well.' So at least Ann got a free pencil. To be honest, anyone who is scared of getting COVID because they've touched a pencil should be doing a postal vote. Then the 'bossy ladies' told her three times that she had to go out via the fire escape exit. Well, going out that way involved pressing the 'escape bar' on the door. We were there at about 8am but by 10pm tonight how many people will have pressed the escape bar on that door to exit the polling station? Quite a few hundred we would imagine. And pressing the escape bar involves using a lot more of one's hand than putting a cross on a bit of paper with a pencil. ….................Just saying!

When I get tied up somewhere I usually just stare at the door until Ann comes back. Not that I get tied up very often 'cos Ann is always a bit scared that someone will steal me. Today I was staring at the door and Ann crept up behind me. Yay!! I gave her such a nice welcome. And then I had to sit and wait because three other people were on their way in so Ann observed social distancing until they were inside.

We're supposed to be coming out of lock down, but to be honest, my human is finding life way harder than she did a year ago. We had the most fabulous month in St Ives in April. Obviously most of that was due to the weather being absolutely fantastic and due to it being a lot easier to organise her social life. We actually saw a 'real live friend' every single day for more than four weeks. Normally Ann's social life is 10 times better in Edinburgh than it is in St Ives, but we've been back in Edinburgh for 6 days now and we've only managed to see two friends??!! Susi (our support bubble) on Saturday and Kay (for a mooch around TKmax on Sunday). The rest of the time we've been 'Billy No Mates'. And it certainly doesn't help that the weather is horrendous.

This afternoon I had to wait in the car while Ann went into B&Q and then I went for a play with my ball down on Porty Beach. It was freezing. I was OK because obviously I was doing lots of running around. And then it started to rain. And not just 'normal rain'. Really cold, heavy, sleety, hailstone, type of rain. Fortunately after 35 mins I'd had enough!!! My human had, had more than enough after 5 mins. Got home at about 4.15pm and it was really cold and dark so we had to put all the lights and heating on.

We'd like to say, 'Things can only get better', but I think that was the hashtag that my human was using this time last year, when she actually believed it??!!!

Oh well, hey ho, it's almost the weekend so Ann's support bubble, Susi, is coming round for dinner on Saturday night and she's meeting her friend, Janice, for lunch (no alcohol allowed) on Sunday so I suppose at least she's got a couple of things to look forward to.


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