Morning Delight.

It was a super morning and we (The Boss and ME) decided to revisit our favourite mountain (Mount Victoria) which is a very friendly mountain at 600 ft high. Of course you need to go past Oriental Parade and many pics were shot there but this one was his favourite. We clocked up about 14,000 staggers and met heaps of folk and their dogs and the weather report was spot on as there was "Patchy Light Rain" this afternoon.
The Boss and friends went to a local play last night at our "Circa" theatre. "Things I Know to be True" written  by Andrew Bovell was a deeply "Inclusive" family work, got an almost standing ovation and The Boss ended up blowing his nose a lot (Quietly) as his glasses seemed to be getting misty at the end.. 
This is not an event  that he will readily  forget.

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