Saltcoats Lido
The Glasgow Ramblers walk from West Kilbride to Stevenson was an unexpected delight, helped by a very sunny, if chilly day. The first surprise was seeing MM who had moved from Campbeltown to Paisley about 18 months ago, her children age with the boys and at one stage she taught M. The second surprise was coming across the old Saltcoats Lido which is the extra blip with a snowy Arran in the background. It looked like a series of three possibly four tidal pools which I think today would make an excellent swimming spot, however I can find no wild swimming references, perhaps people prefer the safer wide sandy beach.
According to the Ayrshire Heritage Trail a single bathing pond was built in 1932, and demolished in 1983. Despite the challenging climate it was very popular and its heyday would regularly host up to 2000 people a day. The website also mentions a bathing station build in the 1880s on the site of the former saltpans. I think what I was looking at, and the main blip captures is this original pool, or series of pools; the bathing pond of the 1930s long since gone. A fascinating piece of social history.
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