WIDE Choice...CLOSE Result
Tomorrow is the big day when we vote to elect a new Scottish Parliament and who will be our First Minister. Will the SNP win an outright majority or will they have to rely on the Greens again? Will Alex Salmond’s Alba Party have any impact? Will the result lead to an IndyRef2, or will Boris make himself even more unpopular in Scotland by resisting a clear demand fir it?
Here in Perthshire South and Kinross-shire constituency (snappy little title) we have a WIDE choice, but it is expected to be a CLOSE result between the SNP and Conservatives. Our current MSP Roseanna Cunningham (SNP) is retiring, so we will have a new representative no matter what.
The photo shows just some of the material we have had through the door over the past few days. In the interests of fairness, they are represented pretty much in proportion to the amount each party has delivered.
Happy Voting Everyone!
Many thanks to BobsBlips for hosting.
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