Negative :-)
First Covid self testing done & dusted, then received surgery SMS with time slots for my second jab, now that is booked for next week.
Spent some time on the plot, thinning & transplanting more turnip seedlings, managed to off load some onto Dave a very recently retired allotmentee. Gave a part pack of dwarf French bean seed to a newbie, she was very happy to receive them. She is very methodically sifting her recently delivered top soil ... obviously from someones garden not bags as there are bits of glass and stones forming a tidy pile. Fair play to her she cracking on with the job. Wind was still quite blustery. Got a call from Jorgiesmum ... Would I like to join her for a birding/hare spotting bimble mid plot work, so although tempting I declined. I sneaked my head inside the shed door. A beautiful Robin nest but no eggs yet. Bobby joined me flying inside the door, landing on a shelf. Cheeky rascal.
Thank to freespiral for hosting Tiny Tuesday
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