Day off
My sister had day surgery booked today, so had to be at the hospital for 7:30am. Up at 6:15am and dropped her off at 7:20. Trip home again, breakfast ............ telephone call from my sister, op cancelled .... so back up to the hospital to collect. Although day surgery, local anaesthetic, she had followed the letter with a light breakfast. Only to be told that she would need sedation, so would need to starve for 6 hours before surgery! Also, she should have had a pre assessment appointment. Understandably, I am not happy with the NHS and neither is my sister ......... waiting for next time :)
Hubby (also took day off) and I took a trip to IKEA - list of things to get, one item showing as 2 left, by the time we got there - out of stock! :)
This afternoon, caught up on my sleep .... :)
Ended the day well, hubby and I went out for an outside meal, under a heater. Lovely food, great company :)
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