Vaguely Celtic

I've no idea how to capture Bealtaine in a tiny image but freespiral has been good enough to give us a get out of jail option of going for something with a Celtic twist. I've raided mrsfb's earring collection for these. I hope they are sufficiently Celtic.

In other news I made an appointment with the local minor injuries unit as my shoulder has become really painful over the past few days. I thought at first the Covid jab was responsible but now it seems likely that my tumble the other day might have damaged my rotator cuff. I never even knew I had one! I've got to try intensive painkillers over the next couple of days and then contact my GP if it doesn't feel any better. I tried the GP first and couldn't get a triage phone appointment for a couple of days. They used to be better than that. The MIU nurse said they have been getting lots more patients coming in as the local GPs are not seeing people as quickly now. Maybe as we come out of lockdown more patients are trying to see their GP now, having saved up all their issues over the last few months.

I had to wait for a while to be seen so watched the Covid vaccination activities over the other side of the hospital. They are doing people 4 at a time now, that's a 33% increase in efficiency compared with when we went and it was just 3 at a time. The patients seemed quite young too, in their 30s I would have guessed, though I don't think they are supposed to be invited yet.

One year ago
New Lens

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