Slummin It

Well a long day after getting up at 01:30 for work to take an empty train to Leeds only to be told a Leeds Driver would take over at Darlington allowing me an earlier train back to Edinburgh well sounded fab until I got on the East Coast service which had a coach missing and the train was absolutely rammed so I had to stand all the way to Edinburgh oh joy I thought but then as the journey progressed I felt like I was in the middle of these TV documentaries as the passengers were giving the staff pelters for no seats and others sitting in there reserved seats I felt sorry for both sides and mighty glad I'm a driver who is the only person guaranteed a seat well most of the time so a wee chuckle watching a standoff with a Toff traveling to Edinburgh who would not move to let the guy with the trolley through until an announcement of free food and drink to pacify the angry hoard so it must be true the way to a mans heart is through his stomach lol anyhow I got back home headed off over to Newbridge to sell my car as were getting a new lease car by the end of the week and I got on the first bus back to town to get a train home as it was freezing and the number 12 that I got jeezo it stopped everywhere I thought it was worse the watching paint dry so this is my blip of the bus at the Airport park and ride "Bus Stop 1956" whilst the driver made a dash to the loo I know the feeling mate especially when yeah canny stop when doing a 125 mph haha so this is my mundane blip for the day and off to York tomorrow

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