Ink blot

Today's the day ....................... best forgotten

It's been one of those days today.

It got off to a bad start when I woke up in a freezing cold house with no hot water.  The central heating boiler had 'locked itself out' at some point during the night - and needed some gentle coaxing to re-enter functioning mode.  And a bit of heat was definitely needed today because outside there was a tempest raging.  It was not the sort of day to venture out at all.

As to what I actually achieved though, I would be hard-pushed to tell you.  A bit of cooking, a bit of cleaning - a bit of exasperatingly fruitless family history research on the computer.  I thought I would relax and do the Su-doku in our local weekly - only to find it obliterated by a huge printers' ink blot.  

And, quite frankly, that pretty much summed up the day.....................?! 

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